Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Environment: Do you drink from your toilet?

I sure don't... nor do I know any people that do.

However, that's what the health crusaders at Brita would like you to believe you do every single day!

I'm sure you're picturing it right now. Now that was refreshing, wasn't it?

The fact is, our tap water is completely safe for consumption. Sure, those water molecules were probably in someone's toilet at one point, or inside someone's body, or perhaps flowing over the dirtiest sludge you've ever had the pleasure of encountering, but that applies to just about every other bunch of atoms out there. Simply put, unless there is something wrong with your plumbing, you're not about to get sick from the water flowing out of your tap. For the time being, Brita will probably stick to their tired marketing campaign for months to come, preying on those of us vulnerable to their FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt).

On a similar note, this is the same argument that bottled water producers use on consumers all of the time. "Oh, just look at what happened in Walkterton. Your public water is too dangerous and full of nasty bacteria!". On the contrary, tap water is subject to even stricter health standards than bottled water ever was:
A regulation (O. Reg.169/03) under Ontario 's new Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 sets numerical limits on contaminants in drinking water. Under this regulation, maximum levels of chemical, bacterial and radiological parameters are set for municipal drinking water supplies. All drinking water in Ontario must meet these standards. However, bottled water is not legally required to meet these same standards.
Source: Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA)

Not only is the bottled water more costly than the gas in your car (several times more in some cases) but it's not even held to the same standards as tap water (which costs you pennies). In addition, tap water contains fluoride to help your teeth resist cavities and decay.

Even more revolting than the masses of consumers who are gullible enough to take bottled water marketer's claims at face value, is the fact that much of that bottled water comes from the exact same set of pipes that your tap water does!:
Some is cleaned by adding ozone. Some is passed through high-tech filters. And a quarter of all bottled water comes originally from a municipal water source -- a tap.
Source: CBC Marketplace

So, for all of the people who can't go anywhere without buying overpriced, overrated H2O, enjoy your $1 plastic bottle because it's the only special thing you're going to get.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drink tap water :D


10:54 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my parents buy bottled water cuz we're too lazy to keep filling the same bottle w/ water (or reuse a dirty bottle)... we also buy the water dispenser jugs..with water. but we dont fill our bottles w/ that water either lol. at least the bottles are recyclable.. and bottled water also has fluoride =P



12:03 p.m.  

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